Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A stranger's just a friend who doesn't talk

The other night my gentleman friend and I were looking for something to do. We ended up meeting Bill and Andrew at the Madison Pub. I was digging this because I hadn't seen Andrew since I met him and the Mad Pub is my favorite of the like five gay bars I've been to. There I was trying to get a buzz on, but not drink too much too fast, as I had the night before. I was probably on my second beer (I actually had a short pause between numbers one and two) when this dude who was just kind of hovering around decided to have a sit and listen to any conversations going on in our group. And wouldn't you know it, he sits next to me. That's when Jeremy starts with the "Who's your friend?" "Introduce yourself." "He looks lonely." This went on as I drank my next few beers rather quickly.
I'm not sure what Jeremy's motivation was. Was it to get me out of my shell and socialize with a total stranger? Was it to create an uncomfortable situation for me for his own amusement? Was it pity for this lonely dude? All of the above? Whatever the case my problem, most likely induced by beer, was that I somehow felt that I absolutely had to talk to this guy. I didn't want to. He didn't seem the slightest bit interesting and didn't say a word, no matter how many bar conversations he sat in on. But I felt a force that was beyond me, provoking me into doing this chore. Like I said it was probably the beer.
After about four beers I stomp up to this guy. With the combination of my determination and my drinking I must have seemed crazy or scarily intense. "You're here alone, right?! Why? Why don't you have any friends?!? Are you a fucking loser?!" I obviously didn't say it like that, but I don't really remember how I said it. I do remember that when I said my name was Phil, he thought I said "Joel", which was his name. That's how I knew he was really tossed and anything I did or said was really of no consequence.
I introduced him to the others, asked him a question or two, went to get my beer, then started talking to Bill or something. I think a few exchanges were made but the guy still hung around quietly, then went to The Cuff. We went there later and I saw him but didn't say anything.
He was given a prime opportunity to make some friends. Maybe he's a bad conversationalist (I can relate).Maybe he didn't like us. Maybe he just likes to sit there and stare. Whatever the reason, it was a weird experience for me, doing something out of character like that, and if I see him again maybe I'll say hi. If I recognize him. I had had a lot of beer, after all.

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