Friday, March 28, 2008

walkin the dog

I just got back from California, literally throwing away huge parts of my past that had been weighing me down, locked away in a storage unit. It feels good, but I did manage to get a few goodies out of it, like this picture:

I colored this with Photoshop when I was taking a class in it, maybe in 2004...I recently tried coloring a drawing with Photoshop again and this old one is way better. I'm clearly out of practice. I also found a watercolor of similar content...It's in the style of a fishing photo, but the fish the guy's holding up is a robot fish.
More to come about the trip. I'm still getting settled. It's always great to come back home.

deep thoughts

Friday, March 21, 2008

i always liked this song

but i only recently discovered the video for it, and it's great.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Well, I fell off the wagon. Yup, I went and started smoking again. I'm not beating myself up over it, but my quit-date is April 1st. I'm already ready, but I have a lot of traveling and school and work and things coming up, so I don't just want to be ready, I want to be prepared. Does that make sense?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

my dogs

...are barkin' somethin feirce! Don't know why my feet are hurting any more than usual today. Is it cuz I danced at kareoke on sunday? The rest of my body is super tired, also. I think when I get home (i'm at work right now)I'm gonna have a foot bath with summa this: