Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fyle? Kysh? Olivyle? Kyliver?

What will they call the much-anticipated (by me, anyway) gay couple on One Life To Live? Here's a shot of today's episode, where we get to see Oliver Fish and Kyle Lewis in the classic I'll-turn-to-the-camera-and-you-talk-to-my-back soap opera pose. That's how you know it's legit.

They're so cute. The writers are dragging the gay stuff out a little more, which is fine with me. Fish just asked the black chick out again, but she's already all "I wonder what went down between them in college?" I love when seeds are planted early on and have time to grow. Buffy did that a lot.


Anonymous said...

because sometimes foldgers in your cup just isn't enough

the gift of 100%


-anonymous kc

Phil said...

Yay! Thank you! I feel like rockin again!