Monday, April 20, 2009


When I was young(er) I took a lot of photos. I remember starting in ninth grade with whatever camera I could find. Then in college I got a Nikon N60 and mostly used that. Some were arty, some were candid, a lot were blurry, and a lot are of nothing in particular, especially since I usually end up hanging out with the "camera shy". I was never very interested in the developing or printing aspect of photography. I LOVE one-hour photos. I thought more about the composition of the picture, and usually making sure there was either enough or not too much light. I think my peak picture taking days were around 18-20 years old. I hardly take any now, or maybe I do and it doesn't feel like it because they're all digital.

I have a box of a couple thousand photos that I have no idea what to do with. So I decided to post a new photo from my box every once in a while. I'll shoot for every day but I make no promises. A couple of others, like Keith and this bear, who's blog I randomly found via Twitter, have attempted similar things. So why not?

So for my first post I'll do a 5 for 1 special. While I will consciously choose my daily photos today I randomly picked five from my box without looking. I wish I had picked better ones, but them's the breaks. I'll even tell you what each picture is!

This is my sister. She was still in high school here, in her Ace Hardware work clothes. She loves working in hardware. Now she works at a mom and pop hardware store in Chico, CA but since she's a girl they don't let her do anything other than run the register even if she does know way more than the dumb teen boys that work there.

This is my grandparent's dog Danni circa 1995. She was put down a few years ago. I remember they had a dog, Schwartz, when I was little, then Danni. My Grandma now has a little hellion named Foxy.

This is my cat, E.G.(also 1995, also dead) She is named for a super heroine I made up as a child, Electric Girl, despite my mother's best efforts to name her "Cleo". I don't think I ever told anyone that. She is fighting my Star Wars figures. I think she won. You need to stay cool in these situations. She always did.

Ugh. This is the grill from the Radio Grill, the restaurant in the Wal*Mart I work at from 18 - 21. Shortly after I left they replaced it with a McDonalds, and rightly so. That shit was poison. I think this picture was for a long-exposure assignment in photography class. Something about the lights there made it really not work. I went with a cooler picture that I'm sure I'll post soon.

This was on the ground (surprise) by the bleachers of my first college's track. It's a piece of garbage, presumably from a reversible article of clothing.

That's it for now.

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