Monday, November 03, 2008

erection day

It's the day before the big election. Lord knows I don't pay a whole lot of attention to politics and don't get visibly excited over much. However my paramour has, in recent days, said things like (I'm paraphrasing) "Can you believe we're going to have a new president so soon?" and "Isn't this exciting?" As the day draws nearer I can feel it. This is some big, crazy shit. Many will celebrate. Many will be angry. This election has captured the attention of many people who otherwise don't care much for politics, myself included. During the last election I was homeless so I didn't really give a shit. The election before that I voted for Gore without really thinking about it. Now I'm on the literal edge of my figurative seat. I really can't wait to see what happens, how things will change, how things will stay painfully the same. While I voted for Obama (duh), I will still wear my "Fonzie for President" pin on Monday and Tuesday.

Well, it's after midnight. So with a picture of a dude who clearly tried to color-coordinate with my blog, I wish you all a happy, Election Day.

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