Monday, May 12, 2008


the Hills
Neti pot


Anonymous said...

I just happened to be reading this around the same time I watched the video...

"Watchmen Observations" notes that Watchmen uses a three-by-three panel structure and that there is little variation in this format. The effect is to "reduce the scope for authorial voice – the reader has fewer clues how he/she should react to each scene; also, they heighten the feeling of realism and distance the novel from standard action comics."

get it? got it? good?

-anonymous kc

Anonymous said...

I would say the first part with me is pretty perfect, though it does not really mesh the other half. You should do credits at the end and think up cool names.

Phil said...

Thank you for that quote, KC!

and Bambi, I was going to put credits on it but I'm still figuring out how to use it and got impatient. It was late.

Another Apartment in Blogville. said...

LOL! keep these videos coming!! the "plant on the tv" episode was hilarious...but the "neti pot" - holy shit - that one takes the cake... more more more!

Keith said...

Ah, thanks for the lesson! I almost missed it: I was enraptured by the Neti Pot demonstration and kept rewinding.