Thursday, April 10, 2008

penis. penispenispenispenis.

With Julian's penis being cut off, Passions is not passing this opportunity to make itself the trashiest I've ever seen it.
Dr. Eve Russel has reattached the penis. However she did so under the supervision of her pregnant hermaphrodite son who drugged her and made her operate drunk. He instructed her to remove a significant amount of the penis and sew it on upside down.
Meanwhile, everyone in town has heard the news. Everyone in Harmony is blabbing 'bout boners! And naturally they are using every euphemism in the book! My favorite line has been "Don't say 'winky dink' to God." Despite the colorful terms, they don't hold back on the 'penis', either. Man almighty, I never thought I'd hear the word 'penis' so much without Jeremy around.
To what lengths will this show go to as is creeps towards it's delayed demise? I can only hope that, similar to shows like Arrested Development and Roseanne and even Roseanne's talk show, that it spirals into insanity just before the end.

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