Sunday, January 27, 2008

silly rabbits

There are a couple of teenage girls at my work who get rather silly when they get together.

They were hanging out and decided that I was really cool. How about that! They wanted to express this to me through a card. I bring it to you in it's entirety.

A while ago all the other girls (Chelsea, Rene, Kati)left the store for college or whatever. I'm really glad we have some again, even if they are so young. They provide me with entertainment.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Senor Coconut

Jeremy just made a post about who's performing at Coachella. When I saw Kraftwerk it made me think about someone I haven't heard from in a long time...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

i gotcher stimulative growth package right here!

I never paid much attention to teh economy. I only did enough to get by in economics class in high school which, believe me, wasn't much. This was a class that used Wall Street and The Secret of My Success as educational films. Still, with all this talk about a tax rebate, of course im going to pay attention. So they think giving $500-800 to people and $1600 to families will help boost the economy. Critics say it will put us further into debt, that people won't invest in the right places or just save it out of fear of a recession,and that lower-income families won't get as much, or anything, while they are the ones who really need it.
Regardless of the viewpoints, I dont think this is anything I haver a say in, so If they do fork over $800, what am I gonna do with it?

-I really want Photoshop in my laptop. I can get a student discount and, unless I'm misunderstanding, it shouldn't cost nearly as much as it does retail.

-I would like a quality digital camera. The one I have has run it's course, not that it was ever any good in the first place. I would like something to take decent dirty, decent reference photos for art work.

-I'd probably save a big chunk of it. Hey, this school shit ain't free.

-...Oh, I mean Im going to spend all of it on an LCD HD TV for Jeremy.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

tomer hanuka

I've been reading Juxtapoz at work and the feature of the last issue caught my attention. Tomer Hanuka's beautiful illustrations are a fine specimen of mixing traditional drawing with the digital medium. His clean, expressive lines are colored in digitally with rich, emotional color. He has an online portfolio that is a treat to look at. He mostly works as an illustrator but has done some work in comicss as well.
This illustration is my favorite. I believe it was used in Playboy.

Coincidently, he also did a picture for the book I am currently reading, Life of Pi. I don't know if it's for the cover of another edition or what, but it's gorgeous.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

quarter review

I just started the winter quarter at school. Here's a small sample of what I accomplished last quarter.