Thursday, December 13, 2007

king cutie

Barbra Walters was on The View showing off her Christmas cards. First she showed the card from the White House that contained a bible passage in it. She commented on how she thought it was strange that the White House has a religious card, that she didn't remember them being religious in the past. She said something like "Do you think agnostics and athiests and muslims get the same card?" She went on to say that she wasn't saying anything bad about the White House, then cleared her throat a little in a way that made me feel her nudge the audience with her elbow.
Later on she showed the card from King Abdullah II of Jordan. I couldn't help but think, isn't he just the littlest bit dreamy?


red said...

he is kind of cuddly...of course being a King might have something to do with his attractiveness...are you a golddigger Philthy?

Phil said...

You know it! The real reason Jeremy's not spending any money this year is because I'm making him give it all to me.