Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Last night while talking on the interweb, my gentleman caller sent me a picture of Jake Gyllenhaal with a beard. Not this one, but I couldn't find the other one again. I guess he just shaved it off according to the celebrity blogs. Here's a paraphrased version of the conversation the followed:
Phil: aw, dang.
Jeremy: what?
P: Nothing.
J: Tell me
P: I just started growing my beard back.
J: OMG, me, too!
Are we doomed to always look like each other? That's fine with me, I suppose. I don't mind looking like him. My man is freaking adorable. Gyllenhall's all right, too. He's the only one I'll allow into a threesome.

1 comment:

red said...

OMGNW! I just started growing mine back too!